Do You Make Sure You Eat Locally?

Apr 26, 2019 | buffet food suppliers

We’re very spoiled these days when it comes to the food we eat and the drinks we enjoy… there’s so much choice out there and it’s all so convenient, just a quick trip to the supermarket and the fridge is full, that it can be very easy for us to simply not think about the origin of the produce that we’re stocking our shelves with.

But there are all sorts of benefits associated with eating local homegrown produce, from better taste and flavour to being more nutrient-rich, since the food you’re eating won’t have travelled so far or sat in a warehouse for hours waiting to be distributed… which means that the overall quality won’t have been compromised.

You’re also doing your bit to support local businesses and give your local economy a serious boost when you choose to shop locally, with the money you spend reinvested in businesses and services right next door instead of hundreds of miles away.

Given the current climate, with Brexit on the horizon, chances are that we’ll all soon have to do a lot more local shopping in any case. New research from Ipsos Mori, as reported by Marketing Week, has now revealed that just 51 per cent of people would prefer to eat local food even if it means they don’t have as much to choose from – below the global average of 63 per cent.

But Brexit could change all this, since the variety of produce available could decline because of the price of imports and the pound’s weakness. Government figures show that the UK currently imports 30 per cent of its produce from the EU.

Here at buffet food suppliers Samba Catering, we work very closely with local suppliers so we can guarantee all our customers that the ingredients we use are of the highest quality and freshness.

We’re fully committed to quality and integrity, so each piece of chicken you enjoy is 100 per cent breast meat and Halal-approved, while the tuna we serve is guaranteed dolphin-friendly.

Aside from making sure that you use a professional catering company that prioritises local produce, there are also lots of other steps you can take if you want to increase your consumption of homegrown food and drink.

Seek out farmers markets in your near vicinity (there are hundreds around the country so you’re sure to be able to find one near you), as these are brilliant for the likes of fresh fruit and veg, preserves, meat, bread, cakes and more.

You can also find farm shops all over the country that typically have to sell a high percentage of their own produce, although you may well have to drive to find one so they’re not always the most practical choice when you want to pick up a few bits and bobs.

Look out for independent food shops as well, since these are often amazing places to find local food. Get chatting to the staff there to find out more about local food – they’re sure to have lots of hints and tips for you.